Lacey & Billy • Married • Santa Barbara, CA

Lacey reached out to me over a year ago through Instagram and asked me to photograph her wedding. I was so excited to meet her after we stalked each other's instas and shared our favorite healthy food finds. I knew was in for a treat, but I couldn't have dreamt of how wonderful it would really be. The more I photography small intimate weddings, the more I fall in love with them. Lacey and Billy's day was focused on what truly matters, their love for each other and for their families. The two met in LA at a music festival, they locked eyes and Lacey being a few rows up from Billy, danced her way back to him. They quickly discovered they were both from the same hometown, but missed eachother by 4 years (same high school, same college!) It was so fitting that they had the wedding at the home Lacey grew up in in Santa Barbara, CA. They have since moved to Colorado, so being back in their home town with the ones they loved after some time away made it even more special! One of my favorite moments (and the groom's!) from the day was when Lacey and Billy chose to share with their parents their thanks and appreciation during the ceremony. I don't think there was one single dry eye. This one was truly a joy to be a part of, so much so I was sad to say goodbye at the end of the night!


Dress: Delphine Manivet - Hair & Makeup: Carlyle Salon - Rentals: Tent Merchant - Caterer: Heirloom La - Cocktails: Flair Project SB - Florist: The Twisted Twig

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